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Blog series: Price Concessions

Blog posts in the series Price Concessions

  1. Posted
    • OpenPrescribing

    Price Concessions Calculator — A New Feature on OpenPrescribing

    This week we launched a new feature on OpenPrescribing, an NHS Price Concession calculator. We show the cost impact of price concessions for the whole of England here and the calculator appears on every single practice and CCG dashboard so you can work out the impact locally.

    What are price concessions and what are the broader issues?

    Price concessions are a short term agreement by the NHS to pay more than the already agreed price for a generic medicine because pharmacists are unable to obtain the generic at its usual price. Regular readers of our blog will remember a series of blogs last year (see archive) where we detailed the issues and this led to the development of our magnificent Drug Tariff and Concession Viewer, which shows the prices over time for each individual drug, automatically updated on a daily basis.

  2. Posted
    • OpenPrescribing

    NHS Price Concession Alerts — A new feature on OpenPrescribing

    Today we launched a new feature on OpenPrescribing: an NHS Price Concession email alerts service. This is in addition to our existing calculator that shows cost impact of price concessions, which can already be viewed on every practice, CCG and All England dashboard. You can read more about price concessions (aka NCSO) in our previous blogs.

    Many users of OpenPrescribing receive our monthly newsletter and our innovative email alert service for practice and CCG prescribing measures. Today we are adding a new NHS Price Concession email alerts service. Once signed up, this alert will pop into your inbox a few hours after a new price concession is announced, which will be approximately once per week, to update you on the impact these costs are predicted to have on your practice/CCG.